

√1000以上 guaibasaurus 312427-Guaibasaurus candelariensis

Guaibasaurus ("ještěr z Guaiba") byl bazálním plazopánvým dinosaurem, žijícím v období svrchního triasu (před 2272 miliony let) na území dnešního Geoparku Paleorotta v Rio Grande do Sul ()Dinosaurus měl na každé přední končetině tři plné prsty a dva redukované prsty, stejně jako teropod HerrerasaurusTypový exemplář G candelariai byl popsán v roce 1999Late Triassic) is known from an articulated skeleton lacking a neck and skullOriginally considered a basal theropod, later studies allied it with basal sauropodomorphs Here this specimen nests as a basal theropod in a rarely studied clade between Segisaurus and MarasuchusA pellvis with a tall ilium and long pubisGuaibasaurus is known from fairly good remains,‭ ‬though the skull is unknown‭ ‬When first described,‭ ‬Guaibasaurus was considered to be a potential theropod dinosaur,‭ ‬though later a similarity with the primitive sauropodomorph dinosaur Saturnalia was noted,‭ ‬and now Guaibasaurus is usually seen as a very primitive sa